Oh my! The three-day weekend is here. We only get a few a year. What do you have planned? Here are some of our essentials that will be super handy this weekend, whether you take a trip outdoors or stay in.
Here are Caravan we value self-care. We have a few “me time” objectives for you tackle this weekend! We are extremely excited, since Fall is a season of change, transition, and preparation!
Fall into September by taking one out of your three-days to recharge. We are focusing on our "me time" before the activity of fall begins and 2019 quickly appears.
- Change up your setting and go outdoors.
- Head to the beach or glamp in the woods, somewhere that literally has no service.
- On the flip-side, you can simply turn off your app notifications or temporarily delete those specific social apps. Create boundaries with your digital best friend (cell phone) to allow less distraction and to focus on what's most important - YOU.
Read, write, and touch 😜 to stay grounded and connected.
- Reassess what you want and who's important to you,
Your mind will be blown once you disconnect, then reconnect with yourself. Take that long wanted bath at home with your favorite Caravan products. The place where you can feel the most yourself. 🛀🏽